Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Hope ginning season is going well for you.
We are not hearing much about little seed being an issue in the USA here this ginning season yet. At least not as far as Vandy Inc is concerned.

Know we make ribs for all models of gin stands. This includes Cherokee stands.  No one can duplicate the way we produce them from a forging to a final CNC machined part from 1018 USA Steel.  Some of our customers have been running the same set of ribs for well over 10 years.  This is pretty cost effective.

Most know we are the pioneer in gin stand conversions. Mr. Vandergriff converted a Continental 161 to a 181 in 1996.  This went largely ignored until the mid 2000's.  Now this saw spacing is becoming the standard.  He set the standard for saw spacings many times over his illustrious career., and the rest of the industry tagged along. We have lots of conversions running around the world particularly in Australia.

This link below is a Lummus 170, souped up by Vandy Inc and associates. It is the first one we have done, and after working through some issues, we have it down if ya want to increase capacity without having to lay down huge chunks of money.  This would include of course  new gin stands (they love to sell you those) over-head, and even more. $$$$$$ (lint cleaning, press)  Conversions are the cost effective way to increase capacity.  They come with Vandergriff precision and the Vandy Gin Rib.

Souped up 170 Gin Stand

Vandy Inc and Vandergriff American also sell the Jet Dryer.  Its starting to speak for itself with how it reduces moisture in a very cost effective way.  Gets the cotton single locked and ready to enter the inclines warm setting the stage for more trash release.  Mr. Vandergriff always said, get that cotton into the inclines at 175 degrees. Why? Simple. Get better trash release and cleaning.

Our Spider Installations are taking off as well across the cotton belt.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call.

Loyd Vandergriff  559-324-8848

John Freeman       229-220-1406 (Spiders, Jet Dryers)

Vandergriff Ribs Getting Ready to ship out.
Made in the USA

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