Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Vandergriff Inc. Archives

The archives at Vandergriff Inc. are extensive in all phases of ginning. From drying, extraction, to cylinder cleaning and to the gin stand itself, Mr. Vandergriff left a mountain of drawings, and papers with extensive commentary for all.  He documented most of his work in the field on all important projects.  Loyd Vandergriff has many file cabinets full of files on varying aspects of ginning.

One of the areas Vandergriff Inc. is looking to get more involved with is the area of gin stand conversions.  In the picture below, Loyd is going through stacks of files related to this and pulling out essential parts that could be added to enhance a conversion.  A couple of weeks ago Loyd spent a few days in Alabama going over a 161 gin stand and analyzing what could be done to most efficiently increase the number of saws in the stand.  This trip proved to be very productive and Vandergriff Inc. is now getting that project rolling working with Chris Nachtmann at CNC Performance Engineering in North Carolina.  This is a natural, because CNC has being making the Vandergriff Gin Rib for over 15 years. They have the equipment to do things right because accuracy is a premium when dealing with gin ribs, rib rails and conversions. That is why many don't perform well, they just can not maintain accuracy, or even have the proper information to get it done right.  We do.

Check back periodically for updates on how we are doing in the phase of our operation.

As far as those "stacks" of files. There are lots of em in other areas such as extraction.  We are working on some things in that area as well.

Loyd Vandergriff
Vandergriff Inc.
July, 2013.

Vandergriff Inc is also partnered with Sowega Manufacturing and offers the Jet Dryer, and The Spider Module Feeder.

See main page of this website for contact info and phone numbers.

Lets Gin.

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