Tuesday, January 17, 2017

New Year 2017 Updates

Hope the New Year is off to a good start for everyone, and the ginning season was a good one. A few updates are in order.

We have a waiting list for 161 game changer ribs.  We are finishing up a big run for Australia and will be soon switching over to domestic USA run.  Of this first run, 80% of ribs are reserved.
There are a couple of more sets available in this first run.  We will do another run after this, which will be the last for 2017.  If you are considering The Vandergriff Game Changer rib, I would not wait too long to get on the list.  This second run delivery date will be in April-May area.

After this, we will run Vandergriff Ribs for Lummus Gin Stands, and for Consolidated gin stands. It is best to get on the list for these as well. Delivery dates for these are late spring to mid-summer. Our Consolidated 222 Rib eliminates nagging issues the affect performance of your gin stand.  No need to convert that stand to get away from rib issues.  We have the solution.

Most know by now that our ribs are not made from cheap foreign castings.  Ours are made in the USA from start to finish. From raw USA steel, to the forgings, and finally the CNC machines that finish them up.  We have been doing this a long time. (21 years) Competitors keep trying to "come up with a rib" to compete.  Even now they are still trying.  We already have the rib.  We have the process down to get it to you in the most cost efficient way possible. This is not experimental stuff. This is proven stuff.

If you are interested in converting your 161 gin stand to a 181, We can do that for you.  After intially running  tests on our conversion, we decided to elimate end ribs that proved to cause nagging issues. We replaced with 1 intermediate rib.  So we ultimately have 180 saws now.  Don't let this "one saw less" thing dupe you into thinking competitors conversions can out gin ours because they have a true 181.  It can't.  More importantly, they will never have access to the Vandergriff 181 game changer rib.  If they say the rib isn't important?  Try to gin without it.

We do our part To make America Great Again by providing the Cotton Ginning Industry with the a gin rib that is superior, and American made.

We do our part, to make America Great.
Made in the USA
Quality does matter, in your gin stand.

Loyd Vandergriff