Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Game Changer Ribs

I wanted to give you some updates on our "Game Changer Rib." I don't think I have done a good enough job telling the ginning community how well these ribs are performing. We made a change to our Continental 161 rib two years ago, pulling the profile back down some. (See Pic)  This makes the slope of the rib greater and steeper which allows the seed to release or tumble out from the seed roll better.  If you are running a tight roll...this is going be of great benefit in releasing seed, making the roll run looser and ultimately increasing capacity.

The Rib in front is the new game changer profile. Note change from the older style in the back.

Customers running this rib in their 161 gin stands that previously ran very tight seed rolls are reporting up to a bale an hour increase per stand using the game changer.

This game changer rib is also a very important part of our 181 Game changer conversions when we convert 161-181 saw gin stands.  More saws, narrower spacings produce a denser seed roll.  These game changers are essential in helping get them out.  We have 181 Game Changer gin stands running 22 bales per hour here in the USA and in Australia as well.  

If you are interested in Game Changer Ribs or Conversions.  Call Vandergriff Inc.

Loyd Vandergriff

Vandergriff Inc. 
Products of Vandergriff Research.

Hope to see you at the Mid-South Gin Show in Memphis. FEB 2015.